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Sado Cultural Foundation Logo
Thank you very much for your vote.
We are excited to announce that, after careful and accurate counting of the votes, “A” has been chosen as our logo.
We value this selection made by the public and strive to promote, spread and raise awareness of Sado’s culture.

Sado Cultural Foundation Logo
Voting results
- A
- Choices
- Concept
- Culture is transmitted from the past to the future via the present.
- Composition
- Ranges of Osado and Kosado mountains, the shape of a wave, an arrow pointing to future
- result
- 11 votes
- B
- Choices
- Concept
- Sado's culture piled up like stonework
- Composition
- Stonework, Sado Island and the setting sun, three themes of Sado Cultural Foundation: cultural inheritance, utilization and publication
- result
- 10 votes
- C
- Choices
- Concept
- Rocks are chock full of culture
- Composition
- The shape of Sado Island, rock, dialogue balloons
- result
- 6 votes
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Sado Cultural Foundation Logo